realizing life is short, it doesn't matter how you portray yourself, how much money you have, or how shiny of a car you drive. you can have it all, hide yourself behind a handsome smile or the perfect family portrait, true friends rarely know everything nor will they ever.
live life to it's fullest. be true to yourself. always tell people you care, never walk away from someone you care about wondering... "i wonder what's wrong with him" or "she seems sad today" or "i wonder how i can help." do it! ask! do what you can because you may not have a another chance. you may never have the opportunity to speak your mind.
lives are turned upside down in an instant, the strong press on, pick up the pieces, the caretakers.. others are quiet and hurting yet feel it selfish to cry, selfish to say "I'm not okay." others even closer that obviously hurt more, need more, will hurt longer, deeper.
it's all painful no matter how you look at it. the lost no longer has a voice, can no longer take his boys skiing, the family hurting left to wonder why and also how to move on, the outsiders looking in confused and shocked. how could a larger than life, successful, strong (not only mentally but physically) have lost the game of life? how could he be taken so young? and the rest of them, the outsiders on the outside, the ones that worry needlessly, the ones that spread words not their own, the ones that will forget first.
the above painting was done for a work fundraiser raffle by me. it went all day without any silent bidders, until the last hour of the day. he purchased the painting, he had it framed and it was displayed in his office until now. next week it will be taken down and delivered with the rest of his personal belongings to his family. with his boy's soccer placks, the framed drawings on his desk, the proud family portrait hung at the highest point of the wall. he said the painting gave him a peaceful feeling.
i hope now glenn that you are at peace, know that your loved ones will be cared for. know that your legacy will live on in your boys. we miss your laugh, your presence, your classy smile.